Happy 2024, Hello C-G.C g

올해로 8년차에 접어든 '캐롯가든',

지난 7년 동안 초대된 캐롯가든 크리에이터 그룹과 함께 2024년 이야기도 새롭게 잘 완성해 보겠습니다.


LETTERA.tv website is now open!

Flexible Retro Studio LETTERA 1810 PRODUCTION (LETTERA.tv)

@Rinny x DEWBOX

To ‘start’ something

Spring of 2019, the first Carrot-Garden Newsletter (Distribution starts on Monday, April 29th)

> Go Carrots

@Anson x Rinny x faithplanter x meme

The first Carrot-Garden YouTubers are born!

White Day Gifts 2019

Special day at “OKi”! Come and see our White Day gift pack including 365 Carrot Note and 17 Carrot Card!

Carrot Card page is now open!

Carrot Card helps you discover your inner self and better understand the uniqueness of each other. Come and enjoy the genuine and peaceful experience with Carrot Card.

> Go Carrot-Card

Valentine's Day Gifts 2019

Anyone who runs into me today or tomorrow will receive the Valentine’s Day lucky gift pack from Carrot Garden.

> Go Online Store

Tumblbug Early Christmas Exhibition (~2018.12.15)

“Carrot Box” Tumblbug project presents the works by our Carrot Garden creators! Very special Early Christmas show with 365 Carrot Notes, 17 Carrot Cards, a chewable tea and various handmade Christmas cards.

Recruiting the 2nd-term Carrot Garden Customer Assessment Team (~2017.10.31)

Carrot Garden, a platform for the journey of self-discovery, is now recruiting the 2nd-term customer assessment team to pre-validate its personal branding service.

Mark and Swan’s first Tumblbug project is now closed!

Hi, everyone! This is Swan, the manager of Carrot Garden.

안녕하세요? 캐롯가든 매니저 스완입니다.

On March 20th, our first Tumblbug project finally closed well and safe!

지난 3월 20일 캐롯가든 첫번째 텀블벅 프로젝트가 무사히 마감되었습니다!

Many heartfelt thanks to all of you who supported this middle-aged couples’ first endeavor to step into the next stage of life.

자유로운 영혼들을 위한 퍼스널 브랜드 스토리 팩 중 인생의 제2막을 준비하는 중년 부부의 첫번째 도전을 후원해 주신 여러분께 정말 감사드립니다.

The funding project couldn’t have been more successful. Cheers for your supports. I can assure you this book with your names written on it will be my Treasure No.1 for the rest of my life.

소중한 여러분들의 도움으로 텀블벅 펀딩 성공이라는 행복한 결과를 얻을 수 있었고, 후원자님들의 이름이 새겨진 첫번째 책은 제가 살아가는 동안 가장 아끼게 될 보물 1호가 될 지도 모르겠습니다.

The invaluable experience from publishing <Mark, Swan: Idle Tango 1950> will be the “super” nutrition for the success and growth of many future personal branding projects at Carrot Garden.

<마크, 스완 게으른 탱고 1950> 프로젝트에서 얻은 이 모든 값진 경험과 인연들은 앞으로 캐롯가든에서 진행할 퍼스널 브랜딩 프로젝트들의 성장과 성공에도 꼭 필요한 "특급" 영양분이 될 것입니다.

Photo essay on South America, Book cover and postcard

Photo essay on South America, Book cover and postcard

Photo essay on South America, Sample page 1(Color)

Photo essay on South America, Sample page 1(Color)

Photo essay on South America, Sample page 2(BW)

Photo essay on South America, Sample page 2(BW)

Photo stream view for selecting the final prints

Photo stream view for selecting the final prints

*10 Randomly selected supporters will receive a lovely Lama ballpoint pen at the delivery of the book.

*10 Randomly selected supporters will receive a lovely Lama ballpoint pen at the delivery of the book.

Carrot-Garden Manager

Swan Lee

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